Sturm und Drang: My hope

You, you’re my lover, you’re my hope, you’re my dreams
my life, my passion, my love, my sex, my money
violence, religion, injustice and death

Answer 12/05/24

Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life.

Certainly my maternal grandfather, who taught me many of the things I know and passed on to me many of his passions. In addition to having passed on to me his sharp and irreverent irony.

I was lucky enough to be able to have him until I turned 25.

Answer 05/03/24

How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?

I think that every failure, if analyzed correctly, can generate knowledge and experience, which is why every time we fall we must not abandon ourselves to despair… we just have to get up and try to move forward, perhaps taking detours, until we arrive at new ones. experiences. The real enemy of human beings is immobility.

Answer 04/04/24

How do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life?

I believe that the most significant change, linked to aging, was no longer feeling immortal and “infinite”. Progressively the body presents the bill for all the stunts done in youth… and day after day tiredness, even mental, tries to counterbalance an unlikely wisdom.

Despite this there are still thousands of things to do, see and discover, before tiredness takes over.